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三只蝴蝶英语手抄报:Three butterflies

  三只蝴蝶英语手抄报:Three butterflies

  Three butterflies

  There are three butterflies inthe garden. One is red, one is yellow, and the last is white. Theyre playing and dancing in the garden all day. Theyre very happy.

  Suddenly ,it rains! They fly to the red flowers and ask:Were so cold.Can we hide under your leaves?The red flowers answer:Red butterfly,please come in.The others go way!Three butterflies say together:Were good friends,we must stay together.Its raining harder. They fly to the yellow flowers and ask:Were so cold.Can we hide under your leaves?The yellow flowers answer:Yellow butterfly,please come in.The others go way!Three butterflies say together:Were good friends,we must stay together.Its raining harder and harder.They fly to the white flowers and ask:Were so cold.Can we hide under your leaves?The white flowers answer:White butterfly,please come in.The others go way!Three butterfly say together:Were good friends,we must stay together.They fly under the rain.They are cold and afraid.But they dont want to leave their friends.Just then,the sun comes out.He smiles and stops the rain.Its sunny now.The butterflies dance and play in the garden.They are happy!

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